Photos of the day

Conference Programme
Day 1 - Workshop
14.00 Coffee/Tea refreshments / start of workshop
15.30 Coffee/Tea Break
16.00 Workshop continues
17.30 Workshop Close
19.30 OHSI AGM
20.00 Conference Evening Dinner, Strand Hotel, Limerick.
Day 2 -"Risk Management for Task Based Exposures"
08.15-08.45 Registration, Tea, Coffee and Pastries.
08.50 Introduction to conference: OHSI Honorary President, Ms Shara Smith.
09.00 Update on the International Occupational Hygiene Association.
Mr Maharshi Mehta: Honorary President, IOHA.
09.50 Firefighter exposures.
Mr. Stephan Koslitz, Institut der Ruhr-Universität- Bochum (IPA).
Firefighters are exposed to carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during firefighting operations.
10.30 Meet the exhibitors
10.50 Coffee break
11.20 Collaborative project working with Irish Water, Local Authorities and chemical suppliers to improve overall chemical safety in the water industry with emphasis on bulk chemical offloads.
Mr Keelan Harte, Final year B.Sc student in Environmental Health and Safety at the University of Galway.
11.30 Respirable crystalline silica, (RCS), controlling exposure: Ms. Chris Keen,
President BOHS, Principal Occupational Hygienist, HSE Science and Research Centre.
12.10 Promoting Occupational Hygiene Globally and Lessons Learned in Exposure Assessment.
Mr Maharshi Mehta: President, IOHA.
12.40 Meet the exhibitors
13.00-14.15 Lunch and Exhibits
14.15 The growing legal and regulatory gulf between the UK and Ireland and the EU.
Professor Kevin Bampton, CEO, BOHS.
14.55 Oil Spill Investigation and Remediation – Ensuring worker protection, monitoring exposure to hydrocarbons and setting suitable guidance values.
Dr. Gary Canny, Verde.
15.35 Panel Discussion on topics presented during the day – Chairperson, Mr.
Michael Gillen, BioPharmaChem Ireland
16.45 Conference Close.
Mr Maharshi Mehta is the elected Honorary President of IOHA and a distinguished Occupational Hygienist being the President of International Safety Systems Inc., which has offices in the USA, Ireland, Germany, the UK, France, India, Singapore, and China.
Mr. Darren Arkins is the manager of the Occupational Health and Hygiene Team within the Occupational Health Division of the Health and Safety Authority. Darren is also currently co-chair of the EU Commission’s SLIC CHEMEX Working Group which provide guidance and advice on EU Chemicals OSH legislation to Member State labour inspectorates.
Mr. Stephan Koslitz is a chemist, has studied chemistry in Germany and Switzerland, and has worked since 2007 in the Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine, as part of the working group on Human Biomonitoring in the department of toxicology. He is expert in the analysis of dangerous substances at workplaces.
Ms. Chris Keen is the President of the British Occupational Hygiene Society, BOHS and the technical lead for occupational hygiene at the Health and Safety Executive’s Science and Research Centre in Buxton. She has co-authored several papers which have been published in the Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Mr. Keelan Harte is a final year B.Sc student in University of Galway. He completed his work placement in Irish Water where he gained valuable experience in risk management in the water industry.
Professor Kevin Bampton: Kevin was professor of law at Derby University and subsequently professor of public law at De Montfort University. In 2020 he moved from academia to become the Chief Executive of BOHS.
Professor Kevin Bampton was professor of law at Derby University and subsequently professor of public law at De Montfort University. In 2020 he moved from academia to become the Chief Executive of BOHS.
Dr. Gary Canny is the Technical Manager with Verde Environmental Consultants and has over 25 years’ experience in the environmental consultancy field, having dealt with over 5,000 spill incidents. He has developed specialist knowledge in oil spill response, contamination investigation and remediation.
Dr. Michael Gillen is a Senior Executive with BioParmaChem Ireland (BPCI), where he has responsibility for environment, and health and safety. He is also the head of occupational health & safety (OHS) policy in the Irish Employers and Business Confederation Ibec. He is Chairperson of the Management & Executive Boards of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and is an employer representative on the European Commissions’ Advisory Committee on Safety & Health (ACSH). He is a former Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the HSA.