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What is Occupational Hygiene?The definition used by the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) is: "Occupational Hygiene is the discipline of anticipating, recognising, evaluating and controlling health hazards in the working environment with the objective of protecting worker health and well-being and safeguarding the community at large."
Where can I undertake/access a recognized course/gain skills in Occupational Hygiene in Ireland?Check out the following resources: NUIG (FT/PT) University of Manchester (distance learning) BOHS lists: see here and here. OHTA website (distance learning)
Where can I find a competent Occupational Hygiene Consultant?Click here to see the Directory of Occupational Hygiene Services.
How do I know what to look for when seeking the services of an occupational hygiene consultant?Click here to see the BOHS Buyers Guide September 2021. Click here for the HSA newsletter Feb 2023, How to achieve best outcomes for occupational hygiene monitoring in your business.
Why is the word “hygiene” used?The word hygiene is derived from the name of the Greek goddess of health Hygieia. She was the daughter of Asklepius and the sister of Panacea. While her father and sister were associated with the treatment of diseases, Hygieia is associated with taking care of good health and disease prevention.
Is there any difference between Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Hygiene?Click here to see the Code of Ethics IOHA for member organistaions.
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