Conference Programme
08.30 Registration
09.00 Conference Opening Ms Patricia Mc Donnell OHSI Hon. President
09.05 Annual Tom O' Connor Lecture Occupational Lung Diseases
This talk will illustrate certain points using real cases. It will endeavour to cover clinical and exposure aspects of cases, and how cases of occupational lung diseases could be avoided or identified early. David Fishwick.
09.50 Respiratory Protective Equipment.
ISO are preparing a series of standards for RPE. Requirements for chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) are included and this talk outlines the set of performance criteria for inclusion into the ISO Standard. Simon Smith.
10.35 Tea/Coffee Break
11.00 Legislative updates on REACH and CLP the 2nd registration deadline; latest application dates for authorization for SVHC's, new SDS format, the C&L platform to help notifiers agree the classification of substances, overview of the latest ATPs to REACH and CLP and what guidance, support and help is available. Caroline Walsh.
11.45 Putting the Health into Safety and the Hygiene into Health.
An overview of the London's 2012 Olympic Project., and how the challenge to raise the bar for health led to the development of The Workplace, Worker and Wellbeing Strategy. Melodie Gilbert.
12.30 Business Networking Session
Meet and greet other occupational hygiene professionals
12.45 Lunch
13.45 OHSI AGM – all members welcome.
14.05 Updating the European Carcinogens Directive.
Workplace exposure accounts for about 3% of all cancers. This talk will present an assessment of the health, socioeconomic and environmental impacts of possible changes to the Carcinogens Directive. John Cherrie.
14.50 Adequately controlling risks from chemicals at the workplace: How REACH supports the Chemical Agents Regulations.
REACH should improve worker H&S by providing better information, by establishing new channels of communication, removing SVHC or controlling their use. The requirements of Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations, 2001 continue as before. Darren Arkins.
15.30 Exposure to Indoor Air Contaminants in the Workplace.
As we spend approximately 90% of our lives indoors. This talk will be focussed on the variety of contaminants that are commonly found in the office environment, the medical implications and the applicable legislation. Dr Bruce Mitchell.
16.20 Conference Close Ms Edel Costello OHSI Hon. President
David Fishwick is currently a Consultant Respiratory Physician with a major clinical and research interest in occupational lung disease, holding the following roles; Consultant Respiratory Physician, STH Foundation NHS Trust, Co-Director of the Centre for Workplace Health (CWH), and Chief Medical Officer, Health and Safety Laboratory. In addition, he is an Honorary Professor of Occupational and Environmental Respiratory Medicine, University of Sheffield, awarded in 2010.
Simon Smith is a Senior Research Scientist with 3M Canada and works in the Occupational Health and Safety Division in Brockville, Ontario Canada. He has responsibilities for development of filters and filter materials for respiratory protection and associated test methods. He is Convenor of ISO Joint Task Group CBRN and this year is also Chair of the Respiratory Protection Committee of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Caroline Walsh currently manages the HSA's Chemicals Helpdesk, represents Ireland at the ECHA HelpNet Steering group for both REACH and CLP, is a member of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on GHS and provides technical support to her compliance Colleagues, Government Departments and Agencies involved in the REACH and CLP processes at home and abroad.
Melodie Gilbert was the Head of the Work-related Ill Health Prevention programme for the London 2012 Olympic Project. She is a consultant occupational hygienist with a working knowledge of occupational hygiene in many industry sectors including demolition and construction. Melodie specialises in occupational ill health prevention on a strategic level.
John Cherrie is Research Director at the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) in Edinburgh and Honorary Reader at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has a wide range of research interests including exposure assessment for regulatory risk assessment, dermal exposure assessment, occupational epidemiology and several other topics. He has recently been involved in two health impact studies on occupational cancer: one for the UK Health and Safety Executive and the second for the European Commission.
Darren Arkins a senior inspector with the Health and Safety Authority since 2008, and is a council member of OHSI. Darren heads up the Occupational Hygiene Unit (OHU) in the Chemical Business Services Division of the Authority. The Unit has responsibility for enforcement and administration of legislation in relation to asbestos, chemical agents, carcinogens and biological agents, including REACH and CLP.
Dr Bruce Mitchell is the CEO and co-founder of Airmid Healthgroup. He is a director of the Immunology Laboratory in the Blackrock Clinic, a past President of the Allergy Foundation of Ireland and has been a member of the WHO sponsored Workshop on Dust Mite Allergy. He has extensive business experience within allergy and asthma specialities through as a Consultant at the Blackrock Clinic.